Bill of Manufacturing

Can I use phantom assemblies to flatten my BOMs and reduce the number of jobs?
In light manufacturing systems, it is a common practice to “flatten” BOMs so that multiple levels can be represented within a single parent item.  ...
Mon, 9 Aug, 2021 at 11:42 AM
Can I backflush a multi-level product structure?
“Backflushing” enables BOM components to be deducted from stock as finished items are completed, often for an entire product structure.  Backflushing is not...
Thu, 21 Sep, 2017 at 8:26 PM
How are purchased item revisions handled?
An MRP system requires part number specificity to job component generation and therefore a unique item ID is required to distinguish one revision from anoth...
Thu, 21 Sep, 2017 at 8:45 PM
Can I specify a purchase ('P') item as a secondary output on a BOM?
Can I specify a purchase ('P') item as a secondary output on a BOM? We do allow you to define a Purchased item a secondary output in a BOM.   Th...
Wed, 10 Jul, 2024 at 1:42 PM
How Do I Change BOMs to Phantom BOMs?
How Do I Change BOMs to Phantom BOMs? In the BOM screen, you can change existing BOMs to Phantoms by changing their BOM Type on the BOM List screen. ...
Fri, 6 Oct, 2017 at 2:57 PM
How to change an existing BOM Type to Secondary
How to change an existing BOM Type to Secondary Generally, our recommendation is to use separate item codes to represent items that can be obtained via ...
Fri, 6 Oct, 2017 at 3:00 PM
How do I pull BOM table data for a specific parent item?
How to pull BOM table data for a specific parent item Go to (Utilities > Database Queries) and locate the SQL box. There are 3 "select" sta...
Fri, 6 Oct, 2017 at 3:02 PM
How do I handle a lot charge for a Subcontract service?
Many subcontract service providers charge a standard fee in addition to the per unit charge for their subcontract service provided.    Sample Scenario -...
Sat, 16 Feb, 2019 at 11:16 AM
How do I handle a flat fee charge for a Subcontract service?
Some subcontract service providers charge a fixed price regardless of job quantity.    It is imperative that the DBA subcontract routing costs are stated as...
Sat, 16 Feb, 2019 at 10:10 AM
How do I handle materials that can be cut to size?
Cut to Size Materials Handling materials that can be cut to size is challenging from a planning and usage perspective.   Below are some considerations w...
Thu, 20 Jul, 2023 at 8:46 PM