Financial Transfer Using Transaction Pro Importer
AR Vouchers, AP Vouchers and Summary GL Transactions should be entered daily into your financial accounting system. Quickbooks users can use the Transaction Pro Importer to import customer invoices, vendor bills, and GL journal entries.
The Transaction Pro importer is a third party product to allow for import of data. Our staff cannot assist with the actual mechanics of the import tool, but we can provide some tips on how the data is expected to be formatted.
- We always recommend that you perform all 3 transfers manually for a period of time in Quickbooks to get a handle on the relevant data involved
- Enter a Customer Invoice using the special not stock non tax Item ID that you created in Quickbooks
- Enter a Vendor Bill using the PO Invoice Transfer GL clearing account as the Expense Account
- Enter a Journal Entry for a daily summary transfer from DBA
- For data imports, you create .csv spreadsheet files for each of the respective transfer screens and customize the format to your needs.
- Prepare your Output spreadsheet formats to conform to the required data (see tables below). Screen Help - Output Grid Tool
- Customize the grid display to only show the relevant data columns for your import. Uncheck the boxes that are not needed for your import
- You can re-arrange column order and Save the format as your default to be used for subsequent imports
- When you are ready to perform a Transfer, Export as a .csv file and save somewhere on your network. From Transaction Pro, navigate to your .csv file and proceed with steps per the Transaction Pro documentation.
AR Transfer - Quickbooks Import Customer Invoices
AR Voucher Overview
- Recommend to import Customers and Customer Addresses in advance of Customer invoice import.
- Import a customer invoice to the special non-Tax Item ID that has been previously set up in Quickbooks and cross referenced in DBA (Financial Transfer Defaults Setup)
- The import is always a Qty of 1 for a single value that includes tax. Do not enter a tax code or tax value in Quickbooks. Tax detail reporting is always handled in DBA.
- If multi-currency is activated in Quickbooks, the values will be in the Customer's currency.
Required Fields*
DBA Fields | Transaction Pro Importer Fields |
Customer Name* | Customer |
Invoice No* | RefNumber |
Invoice Date* | TxnDate |
Terms (optional - can be setup against Customer in QB) | SalesTerm |
Due Date* | DueDate |
Line Item ID* | LineItem |
Qty* | LineQty |
FX Total* | LineUnitPrice |
Required only if Multi Currency Activated in Quickbooks | |
Currency | Currency |
Exch Rate | |
Inv Exch Rate | ExchangeRate |
Optionally Update Customer Address Info via Import | |
Address 1 | BillAddLine1 |
Address 2 | BillAddLine2 |
Address3 | BillAddLine3 |
State | BillAddState |
Postal Code | BillAddrPostalCode |
Country | BillAddrCountry |
Fields to Ignore for Quickbooks Users | |
X-Ref Code | |
GL Code | |
X-Ref Account |
Comments on Fields
- We recommend that you set up Customers in advance of your AR voucher imports.
- Customer setup can be done via manual entry or data import into Quickbooks
- If you set up Customer terms and address info this will get pulled into the Invoice when created
- If the Transaction Pro importer has an option that disallows creation of a new Customer creation with import of an Invoice, we recommend that you use this. It is too easy to duplicate Customers if you create them on the fly via the Invoice import
- This field is not required to import.
- If the Customer is set up in advance with default sales terms, those terms will get used on the invoice
- IF you do map Terms from your AR Transfer spreadsheet those terms must be setup in Quickbooks in advance and must match the terms set up in DBA
Line Item ID
- This is the special non tax item that you created in Quickbooks. Once set up in QB, you will cross reference this part number in the Financial Transfer Defaults
- Your spreadsheet will populate the Line Item ID from your Financial Transfer Default setting
- You cannot add a sales tax code or itemize sales tax against this clearing account Item ID
- This is always a Qty of 1 for the AR Invoice Voucher
FX Total
- This can be mapped against the Line Unit Price field
- Since the Qty for the voucher is always 1, the Line Unit Price and the Total Line Price will be the same value
- You must not apply a sales tax to this total value
- If you have multi-currency activated, the value will be in the currency of the Customer
- The FX Total value works for both Home Currency and Foreign and is fine to use even if you do not have multi-currency activated.
Currency (only use if you have activated multi-currency in Quickbooks)
- If multi-currency is activated in Quickbooks you must always specify the Currency code for the customer
- The voucher value will be in the Customer currency
Inv Exch Rate (only use if you have activated multi-currency in Quickbooks)
- Map this to the ExchangeRate field in Quickbooks
- For home currency customers the exchange rate will be 1
Address Fields (optional)
- if you have addresses stored against a Customer in Quickbooks this will be pulled into the Invoice automatically
- You can optionally update your customer address fields via your import sheet
- If you want to use the address against your QB customer, you can uncheck these fields in the Customize Output for your source spreadsheet
Fields not used in Quickbooks
- The X-Ref Code is for some accounting systems that have a special code for Customers
- GL Code and X-Ref Account is not needed because the special Item ID that is setup in advance is mapped to the AR Transfer account
- When customizing your output grid, uncheck these columns
AP Transfer - Quickbooks Import Vendor Bills
AP Voucher Overview
- You will enter a bill in Quickbooks directly to the PO Invoice Transfer clearing account as designated in your GL > General Ledger Setup > Account Assignments > Transfer tab.
- The total amount is tax inclusive. Tax detail reporting is done exclusively in DBA.
- If you have multi-currency activated in Quickbooks, the value will be in the currency of the Vendor
Required Fields
DBA Fields* | Transaction Pro Importer Fields |
Supplier Name* | Vendor |
Invoice No* | RefNumber |
Invoice Date* | TxnDate |
Terms (optional - can be setup against Vendor in QB) | SalesTerm |
Due Date* | DueDate |
XRef Account* | ExpenseAccount |
FX Total* | ExpenseAmount |
Required only if Multi Currency Activated in Quickbooks | |
Currency | Currency |
Exch Rate | |
Inv Exch Rate | ExchangeRate |
Optionally Update Vendor Address Info via Import | |
Address 1 | AddressLine1 |
Address 2 | AddressLine2 |
Address3 | AddressLine3 |
State | AddressState |
Postal Code | AddressPostalCode |
Country | AddressCountry |
Fields to Ignore for Quickbooks Users | |
Phone | |
FAX | |
PO Number | An invoice can cover multiple POs |
Field Explanations
Supplier (Vendor)
- We recommend that you set up Vendors ahead of your AP voucher imports.
- Vendor setup can be done via manual entry or data import into Quickbooks
- If you set up supplier terms and address info this will get pulled into the Bill when created.
- If the Transaction Pro importer has an option that disallows creation of a new Vendor with import of a Bill, we recommend that you use this. It is too easy to duplicate Vendors if you create them on the fly via the Bill import
- This field is not required to import.
- If the Vendor is set up in advance with default sales terms, those terms will get used on the invoice
- IF you do map Terms from your AP Transfer spreadsheet those terms must be setup in Quickbooks in advance and exactly match the terms set up in DBA
GL Account Code or X-Ref Code (matches the GL Account in QB for the PO Invoice Transfer)
- You will enter your Bill in Quickbooks directly to this GL Account that you have set up in Quickbooks for the PO Invoice Transfer clearing account
- Your spreadsheet will contain your PO Invoice Transfer clearing account as designated in your GL > General Ledger Setup > Account Assignments > Transfer tab.
- The X-Ref Code comes from the GL > General Ledger Setup > Chart of Accounts > Details Tab, if you have defined a cross reference account number from Quickbooks that differs from the DBA standard chart of accounts GL number.
FX Total
- This is the total amount of the AP Voucher
- You must not apply a tax to this total value
- If you have multi-currency activated, the value will be in the currency of the Vendor
- The FX Total value works for both Home Currency and Foreign and is fine to use even if you do not have multi-currency activated.
Currency (only needed if multi currency is activated in Quickbooks)
- If multi-currency is activated in Quickbooks you must always specify the Currency code for the Vendor
- The voucher value will be in the Customer currency
Inv Exch Rate (only needed if multi currency is activated in Quickbooks)
- Map this to the ExchangeRate field in Quickbooks
- For home currency venders the exchange rate will be 1
Address Fields
- if you have addresses stored against a Vendor in Quickbooks this will be pulled into the Bill automatically.
- You can optionally update your vender address fields via your import sheet if you map these columns.
GL Summary Transfer - Quickbooks Journal Entry Import
Journal Entry Import Overview
- We recommend import complete daily entries of your summary GL values from DBA
- Make sure to create a unique Journal ID for each spreadsheet you generate and import
- Values are always only in your home currency
- Import a single value and Quickbooks will post positive values as Debits and negatrve values as Credits
Required Fields*
DBA Fields | Transaction Pro Importer |
X-Ref Code* | Account |
Net Amount* | LineAmount |
Posting Date* | TxnDate |
Journal ID* | RefNumber |
Note | PrivateNote |
Field Explanations
X-Ref Code
- This is the GL Account number that you have setup in Quickbooks per the Financial Transfer GL Setup instructions.
Net Amount
- The is always in your home currency
- In Quickbooks, positive numbers are imported as Debits, and negative numbers are imported as Credits.
Journal ID
- When creating your source spreadsheet you should always create a Journal ID number and apply it to all fields in your spreadsheet
- Quickbooks will use the Journal ID to tie together imported lines
GL Summary Transfer Spreadsheet Generation
Import GL summary for complete Days.
- List by Day
- Import complete days starting from the oldest to the newest
Generate your Import Spreadsheet from the Transfer tab
- Fill in a Journal ID number and hit the Apply button to populate the data in your source spreadsheet
- Make sure the Consolidate X-Ref Accounts is unchecked
- Select the Output button and it will load up your customized preferred format for this import
- Export to .csv format and save to a location on your network
- Open Transaction Pro and select your saved .csv file for import