Unable to write to RBuilder.ini

The "Unable to write to RBuilder.ini" error is received sometimes when trying to save edits within the Forms Edit Utility.  This means that there is a lack of permissions to write to or create the RBuilder.ini file, which is used by the Forms Editor.  Here are some steps you should take to trouble-shoot and resolve this issue:

Changing the permissions for 'RBuilder.ini' on the server:

Normally, the RBuilder.ini file resides on the server installation of DBA in the C:\Windows directory.  This C:\Windows\ folder is not typically granted full permissions for all users.  However, DBA must be able to freely read/write or create/modify the RBuilder,ini file to avoid the above error when editing customized forms, or when printing any of the Aging reports, or labels.

To fix this error, you will need to reset the permission on the RBuilder.ini file to "Full Control" for all users in the Windows File Security permissions.  You do not need to set Full Control permissions to the entire C:\Windows directory, only the Rbuilder.ini file.  Depending on which Windows operating system you use, this procedure to change the file permissions may be slightly different. You can access the Microsoft Support website at the following address: https://support.microsoft.com/search/ and search for "setting file permissions" for further information.  After you have adjusted the permissions of the RBuilder.ini file to Full Control for all users, this should help to resolve the error.

If you don't see the RBuilder.ini file on the server under C:\Windows\:

If you did not see the RBuilder.ini file under C:\Windows\ on the server, we can use the Forms Editor to try and create this file.  To do this, please follow these steps:

  1. Log onto the server computer for DBA as a Windows User with Windows Administrative rights to the server.
  2. Sign into the DBA Main Company, then go to Utilities > Forms Edit within the software and open a form.  Make an edit to any form and then use File > Save or File > Save As to save the changes.
  3. After the changes to the form have been saved, this will hopefully create the RBuilder.ini file under C:\Windows\ on the server.  Close the DBA Main Company and then find the Rbuilder.ini file under C:\Windows\ and set the permissions on that file to "Full Control" for all users.  

If the change in permissions for the 'RBuilder.ini' file on the server doesn't work, move on to the workstation:

If you are still hitting this error, you will need to perform similar steps on your workstation PC.

  1. Sign onto the workstation as a Windows user with Administrative rights to that workstation. 
  2. Sign into the DBA Main Company, then go to Utilities > Forms Edit within the software and open a form.  Make an edit to any form and then use File > Save or File > Save As to save the changes.
  3. After you have done this, go into the C:\Windows\ directory on the workstation, and you should see a copy of the RBuilder.ini file. Set the permissions on the RBuilder.ini file on the workstation to "Full Control" for all users.