DBA will not start - Error: Cannot Load an IDAPI service Library. File: GDS32.DLL

We have received some reports of this occurring after a Windows 10 Update.  The Windows 10 update is deleting key files for DBA.

Step One - Determine if the Affected PC is a DBA Client or DBA Server (Full Installation)

Client PCs - the GDS32.DLL has been removed.  This file is needed to run DBA.

Windows 10 machine acting as the DBA Server - the GDS32.DLL file and potentially Firebird V1.55 has been removed

DBA Client Fix

  1. Download a copy of the GDS32.DLL file using the link provided below
  2. Place the GDS32.DLL in the BDE folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE..  Ensure that you have full control permissions to that file.
  3. Also place a copy of the GDS32.DLL file under C:\Windows\SysWOW64.  The Job Traveler and BOM reports refer to the file at this location when printing.

Download - GDS32.DLL

DBA Server (Full Installation) Fix

  1. Download a copy of the GDS32.DLL file using the link provided above
  2. Place the GDS32.DLL in your default directory, which is under the SysWOW64 folder under C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64 bit operating systems (see screenshot below).  Ensure that you have full control permissions to that file.
  3. You will need to start Firebird by going to the Windows Control Panel, into the Administrator Tools then into Services. Scroll down to Firebird Server – Default Instance and ensure it is Started.   
    • If Firebird is not present, and this is the server machine for DBA, you will need to reinstall Firebird V1.55. Download and install using the default directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird) and accept all default installation options (including Run as a Service).  Once installed, it might require a reboot of your computer before it is running as a service.  

                     Download - Firebird V1.55