DBA will not start - Error: Cannot Load an IDAPI service Library. File: GDS32.DLL
We have received some reports of this occurring after a Windows 10 Update. The Windows 10 update is deleting key files for DBA.
Step One - Determine if the Affected PC is a DBA Client or DBA Server (Full Installation)
Client PCs - the GDS32.DLL has been removed. This file is needed to run DBA.
Windows 10 machine acting as the DBA Server - the GDS32.DLL file and potentially Firebird V1.55 has been removed
DBA Client Fix
- Download a copy of the GDS32.DLL file using the link provided below
- Place the GDS32.DLL in the BDE folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE.. Ensure that you have full control permissions to that file.
- Also place a copy of the GDS32.DLL file under C:\Windows\SysWOW64. The Job Traveler and BOM reports refer to the file at this location when printing.
DBA Server (Full Installation) Fix
- Download a copy of the GDS32.DLL file using the link provided above
- Place the GDS32.DLL in your default directory, which is under the SysWOW64 folder under C:\Windows\SysWOW64 for 64 bit operating systems (see screenshot below). Ensure that you have full control permissions to that file.
- You will need to start Firebird by going to the Windows Control Panel, into the Administrator Tools then into Services. Scroll down to Firebird Server – Default Instance and ensure it is Started.
- If Firebird is not present, and this is the server machine for DBA, you will need to reinstall Firebird V1.55. Download and install using the default directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Firebird) and accept all default installation options (including Run as a Service). Once installed, it might require a reboot of your computer before it is running as a service.