Error Message "Procedure entry Point GetProcessingImageFileNameW could not be located in dynamic link library PSAPI.DLL"
According to Microsoft, there is only one PSAPI.DLL file in your PC and it is under the Windows\System 32 folder. Additional PSAPI.DLL files may be installed by third party programs, often an older version. If you have other versions of the PSAPI.DLL file in the system, it can cause the error message "Procedure entry point GetProcessImageFileNameW could not be located in the dynamic link library. PSAPI.DLL"
To solve the PSAPI.DLL incompatibility issue and overcome this problem, search your PC or check the program folder of the application that crashes for a PSAPI.DLL file:
- Open up Search from Start Menu.
- Find all instances PSAPI.DLL on your PC.
- Rename all extra copies of PSAPI.DLL files found EXCEPT the one located in \Windows\System32\ folder to some other names like PSAPIOLD.DLL (never delete or do anything with the PSAPI.DLL file in your Windows or Windows/System 32 folder).
- Reboot the system.
After reboot, there will not be anymore conflict and Windows will automatically look for valid PSAPI file in the Windows system folder.