DBA does not start with "Network initialization failed. Permission Denied. File: C:\PDOXUSRS.NET" error.
Build 375 (or later) requires the presence of the file PDOXUSRS.NET in order to run our software. If you are logged into your PC with local administrative rights, then that file will be created the first time you run DBA after updating/installing to 375 or later. Everytime you run the software thereafter, it will update that file during the program launch.
If the account you are logged into your PC does not have full administrative rights, then it cannot create the file the first time DBA is run after the update. Or, if the file does exist because an account with admin rights ran DBA and created it, if you do not have permissions to write to that file on launch, DBA will fail.
The resolution to this issue can be done in one of two ways:
- Ensure that the account you are logged into the PC with has full administrative rights. This is especially important for stand-alone users, because the file may not exist and cannot be created until you run DBA with such rights.
- Reset the file permissions for PDOXUSRS.NET to give Full Control permissions to all Windows user accounts for that file. This resolution may be more useful for clients connecting to a server, though the first solution would also resolve the issue.